I’m sitting on my flight from back from Tampa to L.A. as I write this.
I attended a mastermind business event all last week and of course it exceeded my expectations.
Before I went I was excited and very nervous. I’ve connected with these women virtually but never in person. And I can be shy, so I always have butterflies when I enter in a new social arena.
We did a deep dive into possibility and mapping out the last quarter of 2021 and a whole bunch of other things! It was packed with goodness.
There were so many takeaways... and I am certain THE thing that has catapulted my business and brand into its next levels has been investing in myself and my company’s growth. Hence this trip.
I am always investing in myself so I can deliver YOU the best as well. You’re welcome.
And you know the best thing I have seen lately?
When my own clients have those light bulb moments.
When there are tears of joy from the clarity and next level commitments.
When I get a message that they implemented what we talked about and a new person out of the blue is saying “I need to be in your program!!!”
When money and collaborations are coming in from pursuing their artistry!
It’s what makes my heart so happy.
Sometimes I tell my husband, “Babe! You should have seen it! It was Iike BOOM the shift happened right before my eyes!” And I squeal with delight.
In those moments I feel like the Sunshine Ninja - a nickname my friends have given me - because I am warm like sunshine and I will also challenge you with a karate chop of an idea.
YOU need to be challenged.
Your concept of safety is reliant on you conserving as much energy and taking as little risk as possible.
If you're craving those clarity moments, more clients, more consistency that doesn’t lead to burnout, and for someone to light that good juju FIRE under your arse...
And you want me to kung-fu some business growth and deliciousness into your life…
I want you to know I've opened 6 spots for enrollment into my Alchemy Magicmind.
I call it a MAGICMIND for a reason.
Because some magical things most certainly happen.
I keep these groups boutique.
I’ve never felt good about business owners being lost in a crowd. I never wanted that for myself, so I've kept this small and very high touch… so that you can actually succeed.
This is also a curated group of powerful women business owners that are 1000% committed to their vision and mission. WHO you surround yourself with really fucking matters.
If being in a community of conscious, big dreaming, ready to make some inspired moves women makes you get butterflies in your tummy… let’s chat.
Even if it makes you nervous… I get it, I’m nervous right now thinking about all the BIG things ahead for myself after the mastermind I just went to.
LETS BOTH have BIG things on the horizon! It's kind of up to us to make this world a better place.
Let’s get you SOARING, my love!!! More clients, more fun, more alignment, more planning, more impact... LESS second guessing, less exhaustion, less confusion.
Sound good?
This is by application only. I will tell you more about it... Book a call here so I can answer any questions you have! Only 6 spots available!!
In love and magic,
P.S. What’s more terrifying waking up a year from now exactly where you are, or investing in your business to actually make your mission a reality?