You are meant to shine bright.
That blazing fire in you is not meant to be kept a secret.
"People don't change when they see the light, they change when they feel the heat." – Jefferey Wilbur
It is not your flaws that you are afraid of being revealed —that’s a long-held belief that I am telling you is a total lie.
What you are afraid of is the insurmountable understanding somewhere deep in you that knows greatness is meant for you.
And that scares the $#*! out of you. EEK!
You desire to serve. You deserve to have a deep sense of fulfillment in what you do AND YOU WANT it to feel fun, playful, exciting, alchemical maybe even a little mysterious.
Making those $5K, $10K, even $20K months with a wake up every morning excited by what you’re creating, being your own boss kind of FEELS…
Instead of... the struggle

Instead of running around chasing clients, doing work you don’t love, saying things on social you don’t really care about because it's safe, or worse — not saying anything at all because... what the heck do people want to hear from YOU about?
You feel stuck with a brand that leaves you staring blankly at the computer screen, waking up with a case of the blahs, and like nothing “feels” right.
Yawn. Bored. Exhausted. Not excited.
The fact is... if you feel this way, that’s the way your brand is coming across too! And that’s just not cute, friend.

Do you want to cultivate the perfect message and copy that has your audience lining up around the block to work with you?
Do you want to stop yo-yo posting to social and emailing your list, where you’re totally obsessed for approximately 3 days and ghost town the rest of the month.
Do you long to not be blocked on what the heck to tell your audience, what to give them, what to “go live” about?
Are you ready to not compare yourself to Little Miss Wonderful on IG with all her followers and programs and think, “what does she have that makes it all click and look so easy? Maybe... can I... just copy her and get the success she has? Ugh, I give up, pass the bag of kettle chips!”

Why does it sound like I am in your head?
Because I have literally thought and felt all the same things.
I, the branding frickin’ specialist!!... hated my own brand. “What the heck,” I would think, “I should be able to figure it out for myself, I do it for my clients all the time!”
I thought there must be a right way and that I was clearly doing it wrong. Well fun fact... I was doing it ALL wrong.
Light bulb! Trying to figure this out on your own is like trying to do surgery on yourself. You’re just too close.

I felt like maybe I should just settle, be happy with what I was doing, sit down, and be quiet (like many of us women have been told to do over millennia!).
AND I was scared to show the REAL ME.
I was scared to let my true self shine.
Being on the other side creating brands for clients, I didn’t fully let myself be in their shoes, but boy do I get it now.
It’s a very vulnerable place. A place to discover what it really means to be brave, authentic, and to express fully no matter what others think.

You are trying to be some 50% version of yourself.
You are watching others and think there is some magic formula that the internet gremlins are keeping from you.
You think if you look, act, and say this perfect thing, then maybe it’ll translate to your ideal audience.
You’ve tried! Sort of. What if it doesn’t work?
No no no... what AN AWFUL monthly subscription BOX to live in!!
I LONG to take you out of said box. Capeesh?

Not even if we sit on our hands (and heart).
Not even when others are happy to see us settle for just ok.
Not even if those that don’t understand what we are up to tell us to play it safe or focus on “more important” things.
The truth is, it's not the 1950s ad agency era with shiny teeth and Leave it to Beaver family dinners, throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks.
It's ALSO NOT 2006 where you can close your eyes type 10 words and make millions off of a homemade potato gun guide and a PayPal account.
There is noise. There is a choice. And there is a lot of rubbish out there.
What they demand is you... what they CRAVE is the real, real you...
...for you to communicate in a way that feels relatable to them, not perfect, not forced, not strategic.
They WANT to know you, like you, trust you. Hear you loud and clear through a lot of chaos, especially their own.
And before you can go off and build a business that is sustainable and profitable, you can’t skip the brand part. Sorry, Charlie.
It's like trying to shave your legs without any shaving cream... just ouch.
Not a good idea.
And the only reason you’re having trouble committing to a brand is that you haven’t figured out your “thing” yet!!


And I’m here to tell you: I’ve been where you are.
I’ve been in the brand industry for over 14 years, and I spent most of that time chasing my own tail, and burning myself out.
I was so focused on getting another client, and another one, and I kept piling more and more work on my plate.
And honestly? It just wasn’t it.
My clients flourished, I could turn rocks into gold for them.
But MY business? Was stuck at the “moderately successful” stage.
I was so busy growing everyone else’s vision, but I had no idea what mine was.
It was good for a while, but then felt like walking through mud. I was burning out and unhappy.
I’d love to tell you that one day I woke up and everything changed, but the truth is that it took time to claim my own Brand on Fire (foreshadow: That’s why this is an awakening 10-week program).
But once I committed to OWNING my own messaging and building my brand around my Brand on Fire method, that's when things really LIT UP, so to speak.

I attracted a loyal, excited all star team.
I continue to see growth in my following AND revenue every month.
I have more time for my family and my plant babies (they’re very demanding, ok?! Should I get a Corgi? Yes? back to our discussion...)
I am filled with a white-hot fire inspiration that sustains me every. Single. Day.
I am doing ONLY what I love and I’m more selective with what clients I take on and what programs I build, because more people than ever want to work with me.

Because I see you out there, trying to create something magical, profitable and stable.
Because following other people’s strategies can only take you so far.
Trial and error can only take you so far.
Following steps and systems not specifically tailored to you is really the hard way.
Your Brand on Fire is a 10-week program that will give you the clarity to take the RIGHT steps to build a magnetic brand where you can:

finally commit to a look + color palate
commit to a message
boost your mojo + creativity

get rid of imposter syndrome

be more visible

feel like you actually have a legit business

have your brand and your soul be in alignment

and profit, hallelujah
...and maybe even take that tropical vacation and live in that posh decorated home that you’ve had on your vision board for... ehmm way too long.
When humans learned to harness fire, it changed our evolution FOREVER.
And when you learn to harness your true brand...fire will be discovered in you like never before.
When you take that flame and share it with the world, it grows bigger and brighter, and it WARMS, it SUSTAINS, it NOURISHES... you AND your new loyal following.
We all have a Brand on Fire – the one thing about us that lights us from within, that fills us with a passion so infectious that your favorite kinds of people want to be part of it.
This is not an "everyone else but you situation."
And when you have your Brand on Fire, you have clarity. You start hitting those impact and revenue goals by doing your OWN thing.
Whew. Thank goodness

You wake up in the morning, and you jump out of bed, fueled by creative energy, and ready to GO.
You grab your lifesource (aka, coffee), and you sit in front of your computer. Your DMs are full of people saying things like, “Yess! I feel like you’re speaking directly to me!!” and “I am HERE for it!”.
Your inbox is full of potential clients saying “Can I PLEASE join the waitlist to work with you?!”
You check your $$, and your account is filled with numbers you never thought possible before. And this is just the beginning...
You know you’re doing exactly what you need to be doing to realize your dreams...
What a VISION, right?
The thing is, this IS how some people’s day looks.
AKA It’s how my day looks (#HumbleBrag).
So why is it still a daydream for you? What are you missing?
This IS a possible reality for you.

Our flame goes out by being burnt out, by bending over backwards trying to fit into someone else’s box.
The fire gets put out because you’re:

Stuck in the cycle of the hustle and grind, but lacking a clear vision and message. (did you know only 1/100 people know what they want?)
Copying everyone else because you think you need to have a certain aesthetic to succeed.
Too focused on tactics and hacks, and not focused enough on your own brand and messaging.
You keep putting of THE most foundational piece of your business and the very thing that makes everything else a lot frickin easier.

Three months ago, I was stressing over what to do about my image, I’m not talking about how I look, I’m talking about my BRAND. I knew that if I could zero in on the look, feel, texture, heck, even flavor of who I was, I could attract more clients AND feel confident every time I posted on social media.
I had coaches and other programs that kind of helped. I hired folks on Fiverr to help me out. I paid good money to have logos designed and brand concepts created and still, I felt like nobody got to the root of who I was as a Transformational Coach and Biodynamic Farmer.
Then, one of my coaches said, “go look at this website, it might be just up your alley.” So, I went to www.designkrew.com! BAM! Someone had a website and brand with the vibe that was totally me! How do I get that?
As luck would have it, Jessica was about to have a Brand Glow Up Party. I could not wait to participate. I gained enough knowledge to get me totally inspired about what MY brand could look like. But, of course, I wanted more.
So, I signed up for the full 10 weeks of Brand of Fire program. Have you ever had someone under-promise and over-deliver? I have with Jessica! My new Custom Brand Guide is everything I wanted! Each time I decide to make a social media post or create something new I have my color scheme, my customer profile, my customer’s feelings… everything I need to connect to my ideal client.
Working with Jessica and Brand on Fire has truly been the best investment I have made this year.
Debra F

Divinely selected to support me on my business journey
Working with Jessica has been an absolute dream, she is beautifully authentic in every sense. Jessica lives from her soul powher and gives from that enchanted place within. She's opened my heart to her magic and she has now become family.
Brand on Fire is the sho nuff truth, and Jessica is the driving force that was divinely selected to support me on my business journey in love, inspiration, and beauty. She is such a sincere and sweet soul.
Thank you Jessica!
Love, Shanda C. {Detroit, Michigan}

We all have that magical somethin’ somethin’ that drives us to success and THAT THE WORLD NEEDS. Unlock your Brand on Fire and discover how to translate it into an alluring and profitable business.
Take the step for YOU and watch all the pieces of your brand fall perfectly into place
Let me break it down for you...
10 modules... devoid of all fluff
10 jam-packed sessions with me will raise your brand above the noise, and give you the framework to create something truly unique, attractive, and magical. The best part? You’ll have these tools for the rest of your life no matter how your brand, business, or the world pivots.

I look really serious in this video thumbnail, I assure you I am not
Spoiler alert. You’re not broken & nothing is wrong with you.
Nothing is wrong with you. You do not need fixing. You are deserving and worthy of a brand you love. We are removing the old way of thinking and "doing" branding because quite frankly that era is over. Time to step in the NEW, NEW. We will open up your senses with some extremely fun exercises and we will shift your mind on what you think is possible for you. And get you so clear on your vision and have that mindset vibing at such a high frequency!!

Don’t be a copycat. Be a lioness. (owning your mad skills)
Time to stop trying to be like the other people you see crushing it. Powerful brands have never come through copying what another person is up to. You must OWN your greatness. We smother out those feelings of comparison (and use that energy in a healthy upward way). Put the kabash on imposter syndrome. And we figure out what your specific fire is so you can light that 'ish up, yo!

What's your THANG chicken wang?
Feel like you can't commit to a brand, colors, message, imagery? Feel like you don't know what your "thing" is. Don't understand how to differentiate yourself from the crizowd? I hear this so much and we will put all those voices to bed and truly find what the whole scope of who you are and what you offer is so its a piece of cake to talk about it, share about it, embody it and create from it.

Create that cult following
YASS! create something so infectious, so tantalizing that the people you love to be around can't wait to be around you too. Who doesn't want a cult following? What do I mean be that... people who love, you trust, and ADVOCATE for you. What needs to shift both in how you do things as well as aesthetically to show that special group of people that you are THE missing puzzle piece they've been looking for. Customer journey is SO important.

That haute, hot, hott, lewk
All the visual things. Branding isn't just a logo, color palette, and imagery, but that is a huge part of it. This week we go into all things pretty by pulling your brand message and persona into a delicious visual that will have your audience drooling and pinning all your posts to their Pinterest boards.

Social Media. OMG help!
YAY! No more avoiding the social media beast. I know. I have a love-hate relationship with it too. But it is a major connector and we will retrain your brain to love it! We will stop the fear of being visible, we will learn how to make it easy to be consistent with posting and engaging. I am debunking the myth of the perfect aesthetic feed and reveal what it takes to have something truly curated.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself
All the Q&A time dedicated to you. This is your time to have space and clarify anything you haven't been able to nail down just yet. You can show me what you've come up with I can do a website audit with you, social media audit. take advantage of this time to get all the direct, but loving, feedback from me!

Do You Even Really Need a Website?
What?! You may not even need a website!!? Controversial, I know. based on your specific business I will tell you whether or not you need a website or what specific online presence that you need to maximize your brand footprint to generate more leads, followers, emails, and yes even sales!

Building the Guide
The one-stop resource that will be the foundation of your brand and business. This week I will make sure your brand guide is coming along oh-so-sweety. Again, I don't want you to leave this course empty-handed. This guide will be the holy grail for any time you feel stuck, anytime you need to onboard a contractor (ever been asked to give your hex codes and all you could do was say "huh, hex what?"), any time you are unsure about what to post or what to say! Former participants declare this Custom Brand Guide has saved them and they use it on the regular!

Living That Brand Life
Time to celebrate!! We take EVERYTHING you've learned in this course and making sure you have the game plan to execute the fire you've gained each and every day in your business. PLUS, we will be celebrating with you! I mean you've built your everlasting, totally on fire brand that is sustainable and will evolve with you as you grow! I literally cannot wait to see your transformation.

One master document that includes all of your brand info. We provide the template, and as the program progresses you fill it out. At the end of the program, your go-to Brand guide = done.
This was huge for me to include. I don't want you to walk away with more questions. I want you to have a tangible go-to asset that you use whenever a question comes up.
Each week we’ll have assignments and play-sheets to fill out (I promise, it’s WAY more fun than homework!).
By the end of it? You’ll have a comprehensive brand guide...a blueprint for your business that has your Brand on Fire at the core.
✔ Messaging? Done.
✔ Copy inspo for the year? Done.
✔ Colors and fonts? Yup, done.
✔ Next steps? You betcha!
✔ 100% YOU? Always.

Feel Inspired - Be Productive - Be Aligned
Make YOUR BRAND an ideal client attractor.
Receive the top 5 must-haves for a profitable brand in the Profitable Brand Masterclass
Easy to follow YES Brand Checklist so you know what to focus on and implement right now.
Develop your monthly content in just 1 day with the 7 Brand Elixirs
Stay productive and in-flow with the Productivity Kit for women!
​Not sure what your perfect offer is? I get it. You might feel like you are Frankenstein-ing everything together.
Well, a confused mind says no. So in this bonus masterclass, I work through what your tailor-made offer can be. With the right package and right profits, you are meeting the needs of your audience and creating a sustainable business!
Your Brand Photoshoot Cheat Sheet: Unleash the Power of Visual Storytelling for Your Busines
Are you ready to elevate your brand's presence with stunning visuals that tell your unique story?
Introducing the "Your Brand Photoshoot Cheat Sheet" – the ultimate guide to mastering the art of a compelling and authentic brand photoshoot.
(VALUED AT OVER $2,000!)

Access to 10 Modules of Training
Your Comprehensive Brand Guide
In-depth Get Clear Course Workbook
Profitable brand pack
Customized profit plan masterclass (value $497)
I’m here to give you everything I wish I had when I got started, sharing all of my experiences and knowledge to accelerate your success!

Completely clueless and scattered to cohesive and confident
Ok. Where do I even begin? Signing up for Brand on Fire with Jessica was one of the best decisions I could have made for my business. I went from completely clueless and scattered on social media to cohesive and confident. Each and every class was filled with so much incredible information that took my brand from “blah” to “WOW.”
It was incredible to spend 90min every week with Jessica and her energy. It was clear that she cared so deeply about each of us in the course and our brands. And I cannot forget the brand guide she helped us complete. I’m not going to lie, at first I felt a little overwhelmed at the idea of completing a brand guide, but Jessica made it simple and fun! I absolutely love that I now have a completed brand guide that I can use moving forward with my business.
Brand on Fire was AMAZING and some of the best money I have ever spent investing in myself and my biz. I feel confident in my brand and my messaging. I love everything about my brand and I am so ready to begin sharing it with the world! Working with Jessica was 100% a game-changer.
Natasha M

Brand On Fire took me from having only a faint idea...to knowing exactly what I want to be doing
Jessica’s program is nothing short of AMAZING. Brand On Fire took me from having only a faint idea of what I wanted to do with my business, to knowing exactly what I want to be doing and HOW to be doing it! Working with Jessica feels like you are being guided by a best friend or teammate. She has your back, uplifts and inspires you, and helps you feel so good and excited about what you are put on this earth to do! Thank you Jessica - you and Brand on Fire are exactly what I needed!
Laura S
These are some of the exact lessons, methods, and techniques I’ve used to build my business and help hundreds of other women do the same.
By the end of this course, if you do the work, you will know exactly what your Brand on Fire is, your lit-up messaging, and how you will help. Not only that, but you will have also transformed your mindset, let go of fears, and begin learning how to confidently shine and sell your services.
If you do the work, you can see the results!
If, within the first 14 days, you’ve given it a fair shot and decide the program isn’t a fit for you, email my team the work you’ve completed and we’ll refund you for the remainder of the class.
By signing up today, you’ll receive these incredible bonuses and lifetime access to the modules to soak up the training as often as you’d like!

It all seemed too overwhelming and I had no idea where to start. I was in the classic entrepreneurial mindset of a million questions: Will this even work? Who would use it? How would I even execute this?
Jessica succinctly broke down the process into baby steps to get me moving forward until we were hitting giant strides. She helped me identify the core product and what is now my beautiful Toffee + Twine brand. What is great is knowing that Jessica has that passion for branding and marketing so I know I am always in good hands.
Heather Swan
If you DON’T discover your Brand on Fire and put it at the core of everything you do…

You’ll be stuck in the hustle and grind mill
Your brand will remain on the back burner and your business will stay in the same place
You’ll continue to burn yourself out by not having clarity on what your THING is so you can execute your branding and marketing with specificity.
Get yourself unstuck and commit to discovering your Brand on Fire.

Q: I KNOW what I need to do to be successful, but I just haven’t done it yet. Do I really need another course telling me what to do?
A: Brand on Fire isn’t just an info dump – it’s my investment in your transformation. It’s not a collection of strategies, or a check-list of “must do”, because everyone’s strategies will be different. You know what you need to do, so why aren’t you doing it? I’ve been there, and for me it was because I didn’t know what my Brand on Fire was. Once I did, the path forward was clear.

Q: I don’t want to get into my feelings or talk about me – I’m a service provider and it’s all about my clients
A: Hi, are you me 3 years ago? Listen, I get it. I’m secretly the biggest introvert ever. I always hated talking about myself, and putting myself out there. The reality is, there’s millions of service providers out there. What sets you apart isn’t the service you provide, or even the skills you have. It’s you. And once you find out what your Brand on Fire is – what that one thing is that’s carried you in life so far, you’ll see that you’ll come to enjoy being visible to whatever degree makes sense for you. The discovery process might be a bit uncomfortable at first (true success is outside of your comfort zone), but once you break through those barriers you’ll see it was all worth it.

Q: How is this course different from other brand development courses out there?
A: There is no set of strategies that will spell success for everyone, and Brand on Fire isn’t trying to do that. Instead, you’ll get absolute clarity on what your fire is, and how to translate that in a way that gets people saying YES to whatever you want to create. And if that fire changes in a year from now? You have the foundation in place to do it all over again. Tactics and strategies are easy to find, but connecting with your true purpose? That’s where the real work is.

Q: How long is the program?
A: The Brand on Fire Course is a 10 modules (with lifetime access to the modules).

Q: How do I know If I’m the right fit for this program?
A: Look at you, asking all the right questions!
If you are tired of adding more and more work to your plate and not seeing any results, then this is for you.
If you want to start using your inner FIRE to serve others on a global scale and monetize your passions, this is for you.
If you’re sick of trying to be someone you’re not and can’t see a way to succeed by being you, then this is definitely, definitely, 100% for YOU.
If you’ve got a vision and care about your brand, are coachable and open to thinking about things in a different way, and if you are READY to show up for YOURSELF. Then yeah girl, this is for you.

Q: What will the program cover?
A: Through these ten weeks you’ll:
Dig deep and uncover your Brand on Fire: The one thing about you that lights you from within and sustains you. Then we’ll work on translating that inner fire to an irresistible, profitable and FUN brand that will have you excited to share your fire with the world.
We’re going to hone in on how to create a cohesive message out of your Brand on Fire, and how to use that message to create copy and content that feels 100% you.
We’ll also get into the nitty gritty of all the other parts that make a successful brand:
"The aesthetics, showing up on social media, website, logo, photoshoot. All the fun stuff.

Q: Can I really make it worth the investment?
A: It can be scary to try something new, but there’s a reason I put this program together: Because it gets results.
That is, if you put in the work.
If you show up for YOURSELF and put in the work, you’ll soon see success that will make the price of this course seem like pocket change.
I put testimonials on this page for a reason: So you can see that when you claim your Brand on Fire there are no limits to the success you can see.
And you can have that too.
The better question is: What would it cost you to NOT take action?
How much longer can you stay stagnant, burning yourself out and not seeing REAL growth?
Have any other questions?
Email my team at hello@designkrew.com, we’re here for you!

I see you, even though you’re shrinking from the spotlight.
You started something on your own because you believe you have something to contribute to this world.
And then you got swept up in trying dozens of different marketing strategies, trying to copy the most successful person in the room, and chasing client after client.
Sure, you can pay the bills, but you're not over the moon, lit up.
Your fire has been blown out, stomped on, and neglected.
And that’s not okay.
It’s time to put YOU back in your brand and business, stop chasing things that don’t work, and fuel your Brand on Fire.

I thank you from the very bottom of my heart for showing up.
I know how hard it is to feel like you’re worthy of time and investment, but the truth is that no one will invest in you if you don’t invest in yourself.
So here’s me, saying that I see you and I thank you for listening to what I have to say. Thank you for showing up for yourself, even it that just means you clicked on a link with the thought “maybe something needs to change”.
Even just taking the step to read these words is one small step towards reclaiming your Brand on Fire.
Now take another step.

Access to 10 Modules of Training
Your Comprehensive Brand Guide
In-depth Get Clear Course Workbook
Profitable brand pack
Customized profit plan masterclass (value $497)
Terms and Conditions: Brand On Fire Course
(323) 744-0813
© 2020 DESIGNKREW, INC. All Rights Reserved